Pierre Hardy’s bubble shoes

A thousand bubbles, yes, but not blue: these are the shoes of Pierre Hardy recalling to mind the famous song of Mina, but a closer look and you have nothing to limit themselves just to suggest an association of ideas, even quite incongruous. However, it is an opportunity to talk about it, because I was impressed and I would propose it to hear what you think.

They are Christian Louboutin Petal Sandals and rather opaque, but although the structure resembles that of a pair of clogs. The decor is made of christian louboutins of different sizes all juxtaposed to create the upper with cut-out effect. The circles inside are completely encrusted with crystals in shades of gold. The price is in fact a heart attack.welcom to ourline store:christianlouboutini.com

Par myfashionworld le lundi 01 août 2011


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