Kim Kardashian in Christian Louboutin Studded Shoes

The fashionista, Kim Kardashian was clicked by paparazzi in Los Angeles on July 27. Bride-to-be Kim Kardashian was seen flaunting her sexy long legs in a pair of hot Lady Clou 150mm

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Hollywood star, Kim Kardashian who is known for her fashion-forward style, rocked a stunning pair of christian louboutins lady clou pumps.

30-year-old diva was clad in a sleeveless striped top. She teamed her sassy top with a short black pleated skirt that looked fantastic on her killer kardashian casual fashion

Kim Kardashian also spiced up her overall ensemble with a cropped blue denim jacket. She wore Bing Bang by Anna Sheffield necklace and looked drop dead gorgeous.

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With beautiful makeup and perfectly styled hair, she was looking nothing less than amazing.

Par myfashionworld le lundi 01 août 2011


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